Sims 3 Awesome Mods

Basically, create a Mods/Packages folder, and place the Awesomemod file in there (the Packages folder). Then delete the scriptcache.package file, and you're set. Make sure to do that every time you. The Sims 3 GPU Add-on Support. Uploaded: 25 Mar 2017. Last Update: 16 Oct 2020. AwesomeMod is a core mod for The Sims 3. It is created and maintained by J. Pescado and 'Doctor Boris', and is hosted at the More Awesome Than You forum. It was launched on June 4, 2009 for The Sims 3 base game. Awesome Awesomemod is a Core-Mod designed, developed, and maintained by J. The mod is hosted at More Awesome Than You and is supported at that site as well. Being a Core-Mod allows Awesome to implement functionality that is either impossible, or simply too onerous for this suite's style of mods. Sims 3 awesome mod, 4 Months back i.e. When “The Sims 3” game was released, at that early stage of gaming I complied a list of Mods for Sims.

4 Months back i.e. when “The Sims 3” game was released, at that early stage of gaming I complied a list of Mods for Sims 3 game. Now it has been 4 months, I think EA released 3 patches for the game, I was playing the game at least one hour for a day and gone through several new mods.

So today i thought to recompile the list with new Mods which are compatible with latest 1.4.6 patch. Before that if you don’t known how to apply the Mods in your game, then check this link and also download Delphy’s Framework Install Monkey For Dummies.

My Top 10 Sims 3 MODS :

1.The No DVD Mod :
I think this will be useful to every one, this mod disables the CD Authentication with the game loads.So you no longer need to load Virtual/Physical DVD in your PC.
Download Link: No DVD MOd For Sims 3

Note : The Mod is compatible with latest Sim3 1.29 update.

Note: Replace the original TS3.EXE & TSLHOST.DLL files in the Bin Folder with the ones from the File Archive.
2. No Mosaic:
This Mod removes the censor blur when Sims are nude. The besting about this Mod it will not override any game files, so it will work with any news patches or updates.

Download Link:
Note: The Mod is outdated, instead download Decensor which has same functions of nomosaic and is compatible with latest Sims 3 1.29 update

Download : Decensor

  • Story progression Mods

    Until the release of sims 3 1.4.6 patch , I have been using “Indie Stone Story Progression Mod” with Awesome mod, which made the original sims3 game much better and awesome. But,now this Mod is not compatible with latest patch and for some good reasons they didn’t updated this mod.

    However there is mod which had taken Foot steps of Indie Stone Story Progression Mod .

    3. Twallan Story Progression Mod:
    The highlight of this mod is , it is a Non- core mod. So it will not conflict with any other mods. One of the interesting feature is you can jump to other neighborhoods by making or selecting neighborhood sim as active.

    The purpose of the mod is to simulate a life-like balance among the inactive members of town, while providing the user the option to disable functionality they do not want.

    Download Link: Twallan Story Progression Mod

    Note: Compatible with latest patches Such as 1.29


      This is another great story progression mod for Sims 3 game.For me it is a typical mod, once you are in this Mod you cannot enjoy other core modes like

    Inteen 3 e.t.c

      Compatible with latest Sims 3 1.29 update

    5.Inteen 3 Mod (Extended game core):This Mod enables all romance options (woohoo, pregnancy, marriage) across age ranges between Teen, YA, Adult and Elder in Sims 3. Also it will allow user-directed same sex pregnancy.

    Download Link:Baxim Inteen 3 Mod
    Update : It is Compatible with latest Sims 3 1.18/2.13/3.9/4.6/5.3/6.1 patches.

    6.Create-a-Sim: Adjustable Female Breast sliders
    I think by the title you can understand the nature of the Mod , this mod adds custom CAS sliders that allows us to change properties of the Sim that where previously unchangeable, and achieve a more realistic Sims game.

    Download link: Delphy’s BreastSliders.rar

    Note: It is compatible with latest Sims 3 1.19/2.14/3.10/4.7/5.5/6.2/7.0 patches.

    7.The SuperComputer Mod The MasterController :
    This mod is some what like “Inseminator for Sims3”.

    This mod adds a new menu “Master Controller” to every computer and allow the active Sim to control
    Demographics (population,job level.e.t.c),Sims relations (Pollinate ,Romance relations, edit active sim in CAS.e.t.c) and control the town .e.t.c

    Update: This Mod is renamed as ” The MasterController” and is Compatible with latest Sims 3 1.29 update

    This mod adds a menu called “NRaas Master Controller” to the following items in town:

    1) Every Sim
    2) Every Computer
    3) Every Lot
    4) City Hall

    Also along with this get “The Overwatch” Mod.
    Download Link: Master Controller

    8.Dexter the bear:You can easily kill other Sims or active Sims with the help of “super computer Mod and Story Progression Mods.

    But this mod allows you to kill other Sims some what realistically with animations , like killing a Sim by Stabbing with a knife or Bashing their head with a poker or a hammer.

    Note : This Mod is not-compatible with latest Sims 3 1.17/2.12/3.8/4.5/5.2/6.0 patches.

    9. The Ultra-Speed Multiplier Mod:

    This Mod increases the speed of the game, so that you can speed up some Sim’s activities like sleeping .e.t.c . It is available in 3 variations Lite Ultra-Speed Multiplier,Ultra-Speed Multiplier and Heavy Ultra-Speed Multiplier.
    Note : This Mod is not-compatible with latest Sims 3 1.17/2.12/3.8/4.5/5.2/6.0 patches.

    Download link : Ultra-Speed Multiplier Mod

    10.Chaos Mods:

    This object Mod brings Voodoo ( Voodoo Bottle in TS2) interactions ,like maximizing the motives of the sim, kill a sim and several Animations. In order to use this mod you need to download d3dx9_31.dll and place it in Game/bin.
    Also note that some animations of this mod are still in testing phase.
    Download link:Chaos Mod

Note : This Mod is not-compatible with latest Sims 3 1.29 patch.

Note: All download links are directed towards author or Modders websites. Also to download mods @ modthesims & sexysims you need to register an account.

Are you looking for some of the best sims 3 mods of all time ? well today we are creating a list of top 25 sims 3 mods of all time.

Many people still love sims 3 more then sims 4 new update because sims 3 offers something unique that no other sims version can provide to players and not to mention all the amazing mods out there.

To make the play experience feel much much better of this older version of sims you can use these sims 3 mods.

Top 25 Rare Sims 3 Mods of All Time

Lets begin the count down for the best sims 3 mods that you can add to your game to spice it up.

25. Ultra-Plain Eyes

More awesome than you mods

These are default replacement eyes and tricolor contacts(face mask) that have a plain texture like EA eyes. They don’t have dramatic contrast. Instead, neat in-game and Maxis/EA-Match. It suits every sim, I think.

Same size as EA. Smaller pupils. Defined outline. Similar color tone and fine texture.

Description of this sims 3 mods:
– Requires No EP.
– Tested in the game version 4.2.32x
– The default eyes are the same as this I up-loaded already.

About Contacts
– Three recolor-able channels.
– for both genders, all ages.
– Makeup > Face mask (custom thumbnail)

Check Out This Mod

24. Ultra-Plain Faces

Offline activation keygen hardware id search. These are default and non-default face skins. For both gender, all ages (toddler to elder). These faces are MAXIS/EA-Match type, like my “Ultra-Plain Eyes”.

And I uploaded a package of “Face Overlay Fix” together.
This fix removes female’s unnatural lipstick and cleans eye white. This function is the same as missy harries’ and -Shady-‘s. My version is using EA’s white of eye. All previews use Face Overlay FIX.

Same color tone range as EA. More realistic details around eyes. Moderately sharp nose. Pretty nostrils. “Pudding”-free shading.

Description of this sims 3 mods:
– For both genders, all ages (Toddler to Elder)
– Requires No EP.
– Tested in the game version 4.2.32x

– Requires UI Mod by Rez Delnava
– EA default 6 colors (separate 2 packages, as “Natural Tone” and “Fantasy Tone”.)

Check Out This Mod

23. Zerbu’s Ultimate Career Mod

The end of career rabbitholes is here! With Ultimate Careers, instead of going into a rabbithole to work, Sims will spend the work day at a community lot, doing work-related interactions – or slacking off. The mod scans the Sim’s interaction queue, and increases performance depending on which interactions are being used.

You can assign a career to a lot by clicking on that lot, selecting “Zerbu” then “Ultimate Careers” then “Add Career or School“, select the career or school you want, and select an existing rabbithole that contains that career or school.

All Sims in the selected career/school who would normally be sent to that rabbithole to work will now be sent to the lot you assign it to. From there, performance will increase or decrease depending on which objects your Sims are using.

Wtfast for mac. Inactive Sims will be automatically pushed to use certain objects. The speed that performance increases also depends largely on metrics defined in the “Performance” area, such as mood and skills. All metrics are automatically supported, including career-specific ones.

The sims 3 mods supports custom careers, and there is an option to choose which of the existing careers to base it on (which determines which objects increases performance, and which objects inactive Sims will be pushed to use).

A text file containing a list of supported objects for each career is included in the downloaded file.

Check Out This Mod

Sims 3 Amazing Mods

22. More Traits For All Ages

Upon adding this mod, any Townies or NPC’s will be automatically assigned the maximum number of traits allowable for their age

any New Sim that are generated by the game will be automatically assigned the maximum number of traits allowable for their

If your sim gets an additional trait via social networking, you should decline it. If you’re using this mod you already have the traits you want, by game default it will assume your sim has 5 traits and you’re adding a 6th one. So if you accept the social trait you will lose any above 6 and will need to re add them.

If you’re using a mod to unhide traits, all traits will count toward the max total.

Sometimes active sims have issues aging up and need to be reset. You may need to remove additional traits, age them up, then add the traits back in.

Sims 3 Realistic Body

This mod does not affect pets, I’ve looked for the equivalent tuning for pets, but have yet to find it.

Sims 3 Mods Download Free

Simply removing this sims 3 mods will not return the trait limit to default, they will still retain the number of traits you gave them unless you remove them. See Below

Check Out This Mod

21. No Intro Mod

This is an awesome Sims 3 mods!! Just some minor issue which makes ingame text kinna blurry. Maybe it’s conflict with other Sims 3 mods.

No, extracting there will likely overwrite an existing Resource.cfg which is needed by the game, potentionally breaking your game install if you didn’t back the file up first.

Sims 3 Awesome Mods

Check Out This Mod

Sims 3 Awesome Mod Download

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