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shriman yogi this is a biographical novel on Shivaji Maharaj. This historical novel has created history in the world of literature and books. Shivaji Maharaj is the most worshipped person in Maharashtra. Every single household here knows Shivaji. He is the most respected and worshipped character. He was a dream come true. Shivaji was born as a Hindu but at such time when Hinduism was forgotten by the Hindus.
In shriman yogi Ranjit Desai pictures Shivaji from his birth rather he starts with the days prior to his birth. Before writing this novel Desai has searched history, he has not left any stone unturned while doing so. Writing on Shivaji was a very difficult task. Shivaji had many qualities and the last 34 centuries have changed people`s view about him.
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Shriman Yogi Marathi Book Pdf Download
They have become more possessive about him adding unnecessarily, and untruthfully to his qualities considering him a god. On this background it was very difficult to portray Shivaji as perfect as possible Desai had realised his responsibility. He has pictured Shivaji meticulously in this novel. Religious but not superstitious, strict but not wicked, adventurous but not impetuous, practical but not aimless, realistic, visionary but not dreamy. Graceful but not prodigal. Desai has succeeded in highlighting Shivaji`s human nature. His base was that of a human. He valued all, respected every religion. निश्चयाचा महामेरू। बहुत जनांसी आधारू अखंड स्थितीचा निर्धारू। श्रीमंत योगी।।श्रीमान योगी शिवाजी महाराजांच्या जीवनावरील प्रसिध्द ऐतिहासिक कादंबरी.