Calculator On Windows 10 Not Working

Nine times out of ten this will fix any issues with default apps on Windows 10. Run the DISM Command to Fix the Calculator Not Working on Windows 10. If none of the above has worked so far, you can try running the DISM command to fix the calculator on Windows 10. Type PowerShell in the dialogue box of your start menu. Right click on the first result and select.

Windows 10 Calculator Won't Open

If your Windows 10 Start Menu icons and tiles turn dark and / or get a ‘download progress bar’ under them you can easily reset them. In previous versions of Windows 10, if your start menu icons stopped working you could resolve it but was a quite a task. In Windows 10 1607 and 1703 (Creators Update released in April 2017) a RESET option is now available. Free traktor pro 2 for mac.

To Fix Start Menu Items in Windows 10:

  1. RIGHT click on the START button and select APPS AND FEATURES (at the top)
  2. Scroll through the list until you find the app that is not starting
  3. Click on the app
  4. Click the ADVANCED OPTIONS link
  5. Click the RESET button
Calculator On Windows 10 Not Working

This will flush any of the cached settings and data stored with the app and reset it to default.

Some people have said they want to know how to re-download these apps, and while that is possible, it is generally not necessary. In this post we explain how to remove and reinstall Microsoft Edge browser but the logic applies to all ‘modern apps’ like Calculator, Weather, News, Sports, Edge, Cortana…

If have seen CALULATOR, WEATHER and many others turn dark blue and not launch which can be quite annoying. Fortunately the fix is fast.

Windows 10 Calculator Not Working Built In Administrator

