The ACS Exams Institute is pleased to announce that new tutorial practice exams are now available for
Preparing for Your ACS Examination in Organic Chemistry: The Official Guide (commonly called the Organic Chemistry Study Guide) This guide is the newest update to our suite of study materials. A second edition was released in early 2020 with over 240 pages and over 600 unique problems.
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- The ACS publishes a study guide (ISBN 0‐9708042‐0‐2) that is available in the bookstore: Preparing for Your ACS Examination in General Chemistry. It contains 10 chapters organized by topic that cover both CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1212 material.
General Chemistry, First Term
Organic Chemistry, Full Year
Each exam has 50 items with feedback provided on each question. If a student is correct, they will be told this, but they will also be provided with the process to solve the question correctly (to compare to how the student solved the problem). If they are incorrect, they will also be told this and be provided with where they might have had difficulties as well as how to solve the problem correctly.
All of this is then summarized in a report emailed to the student following submission. This summary includes for each question:
- The chapter and content from the ACS study guide
- The performance on the question
- The chapter and question number from the study guide of items that are the same as this question
- The chapter and question number from the study guide of items that are similar or use the same concept as this question
We are offering these new tutorial practice exams at $10.00 (the current price of our other practice exams). Additionally, we are offering this in a bundle with our other practice exam and study guide at $38.00.
Order from ACS Exams directly online HERE.
For any questions, call 800-854-1672.
Study guides are available for general, organic, and physical chemistry. Both general and organic chemistry guides have recently undergone substantial updates and align better to courses and textbooks as well as released ACS Exams. There is also a clear designation between first-term and second-term chapters of both guides – making these ideal study guides for ACS Exams in first-term, second-term or full year ACS Exams.
Four online practice exams are available for students to use to test themselves and assess their understanding prior to taking an ACS Exam: General Chemistry, First-Term; General Chemistry, Full-Year; Organic Chemistry, Full Year and Analytical Chemistry. Upon submitting the practice exam, the student receives a report that provides them with an average score in each content area (as broken down by the study guide).
A new bundle will be available and prices will increase to:
Study material Price
Tutorial practice exam .......................... $15.00
Practice exam* ................................ $10.00
Study guide* .................................. $25.00
Study Material Bundles
Study guides and practice exam* .................. $29.00
New! Study guide and tutorial practice exam ......... $35.00
Study guide, tutorial practice exam and practice exam ..$42.00
*These are unchanged from our 2020 prices.
You can purchase Study Guides Online Now: Click Here
Students who are going to be taking an ACS Examinations Institute exam have study materials available in some areas. The Institute is always working to expand this array of study materials. Right now, there are three printed study guides. We also have a variety of practice tests for students.
Preparing for Your ACS Examination in General Chemistry: The Official Guide
(commonly called the General Chemistry Study Guide) Aesop rock skelethon deluxe edition zip.
This guide includes 201 pages of information and over 600 problems separated into first-term and second-term general chemistry material. Each section contains 8 chapters of material that also aligns to most general chemistry textbooks for a seamless addition to study materials for students. Each chapter is designed with an introductory section of the material including common representations and where to find this material in a textbook. The second section provides worked examples of typical, multiple choice questions including how the correct answer is determined as well as how the incorrect answers were determined. Also included for each study problem is a listing of the corresponding practice questions that use that concept. The final section is a series of practice problems to test the concepts collectively. The key is provided on a separate page for all study and practice problems.
Chapters in the study guide are:
First-Term Material:
- Atomic Structure
- Electronic Structure
- Formula Calculations and the Mole
- Stoichiometry
- Solutions and Aqueous Reactions, Part 1
- Heat and Enthalpy
- Structure and Bonding
- States of Matter
Second-Term Material:
- Solutions and Aqueous Reactions, Part 2
- Kinetics
- Equilibrium
- Acids and Bases
- Solubility Equilibria
- Thermodynamics
- Electrochemistry
- Nuclear Chemistry
Preparing for Your ACS Examination in Organic Chemistry: The Official Guide
(commonly called the Organic Chemistry Study Guide)
Free Acs Organic Study Guide
This guide is the newest update to our suite of study materials. A second edition was released in early 2020 with over 240 pages and over 600 unique problems. The guide is organized similarly to the general chemistry guide with a clear separation of first-term and second-term material. Each chapter is organized with study and practice questions where the study questions take you through the problem solving process of key problems explaining the correct process and also explaining the incorrect processes leading to incorrect answers. These study questions are then linked to practice questions where you can work through multiple choice questions and check your answers. Additionally, there are two culminating chapters linking all previous material: Multistep Synthesis and Applications of Organic Chemistry.
Chapters in the study guide are:
First-Term Material:
- Structure: Shape and Stability
- Structure: Nomenclature and Functional Groups
- Structure: Isomers
- Acids and Bases
- Nucleophilic Substitutions Reactions
- Elimination Reactions
- Addition Reactions: Alkenes and Alkynes
- Addition Reactions: Alcohols and Ethers
- Spectrometry, Spectroscopy, and Spectrophotometry
- Radical Reactions
Second-Term Material:
- Conjugated Systems and Aromaticity
- Aromatic Reactions
- Carbonyl Chemistry
- Enols and Enolates
- Multistep Synthesis
- Applications of Organic Chemistry
Preparing for Your ACS Examination in Physical Chemistry: The Official Guide
(commonly called the Physical Chemistry Study Guide)
This guide includes 126 pages of information in essentially three categories. First, there is a brief explanation of content in physical chemistry. Second, there are example exam items where the question and answers are analyzed (so you can see not only why the correct answer is correct, but also how the other incorrect answers – called distractors – are devised for a multiple-choice item). Finally, there are practice questions for each section. Tose naina lage piya saanware mp3 song download.
Content is derived from all areas of Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Dynamics) and includes:
- Thermo – Equations of State
- Thermo – Laws of Thermodynamics and State Functions
- Thermo – Mathematical Relationships in Thermodynamics
- Thermo – Chemical and Phase Equilibria
- Dynamics – Kinetic Molecular Theory
- Dynamics – Transport Properties
- Dynamics – Phenomenological Kinetics
- Dynamics – Mechanisms
- Dynamics – Reaction Dynamics
- Dynamics – Statistical Mechanics
- Quantum – Quantum Chemistry: History and Concepts
- Quantum – Simple Analytical Quantum Mechanical Systems
- Quantum – Modern Quantum Mechanical Problems: Atomic System
- Quantum – Symmetry
- Quantum – Molecular Orbital Theory
- Quantum – Spectral Properties
- Quantum – Advanced Topics: Electronic Structure Theory and Spectroscopy
Practice Exams
The Examinations Institute online practice exams – click here for more information. There are two major types of practice exams:
Acs Study Guide For Organic Chemistry List
- Tutorial exams providing feedback throughout the test-taking process.
Our newest product, these tutorial exams are designed to provide elaborative feedback as students take the test. Following the submission of each answer to each question, students are shown if they are correct or incorrect with feedback about both their response and the correct process. Following the completion of the test, students receive a report with their performance by question as well as detailed information on similar items from the corresponding study guide. There are currently two tutorial practice exams available:
- First-Term General Chemistry
- Full-Year Organic Chemistry
- Practice exams replicating taking an ACS Exam.
These practice exams are designed to help students practice taking a test in preparation for their standardized exam. While a student works through the questions on the test, they are also asked to respond with their mental effort for each question. Following the completion of the test, students receive a report with their performance by content area, their average mental effort by content area and information on how to use this to target their studies. There are four practice exams available:
- First-Term General Chemistry
- Full-Year General Chemistry
- Full-Year Organic Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry