Earthquake alert free download - earthquake Alert, Earthquake Alert for Windows 10, Earthquake Alert BD, and many more programs. DESCRIPTION Earthquake Alert App delivers real-time update of the latest earthquakes around the world. FEATURES. Live Tile Counter (shows LIVE number of Recent Earthquakes). Uses Background Task to update the Tile WARNINGS. Live Tile (under App Settings) must be switched on. Earthquake Alert must be allowed to use Background Task in order for Live Tile to work properly.
A three-dimensional compilation of global subduction geometries, separated into regional models for each major subduction zone.
SLAMMER - Seismic Landslide Movement Modeled using Earthquake Records
SLAMMER is a Java program that facilitates performing a variety of sliding-block analyses to evaluate seismic slope performance.
These programs solve the equations of static equilibrium in a spherically layered isotropic medium using a decomposition into spheroidal and toroidal motions.
strainz17: Earthquake Strains and Rotations
Strainz17.m is a MATLAB-language function for deriving the best-fitting uniform strain tensor and rigid body rotation as functions of time, based on ground displacement or velocity recordings made on an array of sensors.
Produce approximated finite fault distances and variance corrections given point source information, for example, Repi (epcentral distance) to Rjb (Joyner-Boore distance) or Rrup (closest distance to rupture).
SATSI (Spatial And Temporal Stress Inversion) is a modified version of Michael's (JGR 1984, 1987) code that inverts focal mechanism data for a spatially and/or temporally varying stress field.
Asio4all no sound ableton. A uniform ANSS standard for seismic parametric data.
NSHMP Models, Codes and Catalogs - National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project
Models, Codes and Catalogs used to produce the National Seismic Hazard Maps.
The Product Distribution Layer (PDL) is a USGS platform for receiving earthquake data over the Internet in near-real time.
P-Phase Picker
PPHASEPICKER is a powerful tool for automatically picking P-phase onsets with high precision without requiring detection interval or threshold settings.
PQLX: A Software Tool to Evaluate Seismic Station Performance
PQLX is open-source software system for evaluating seismic station performance and data quality.
MacRay is a general purpose two-dimensional seismic ray-tracer for Macintosh.
Cross-Platform Software
jAmaSeis is a java-based program that allows users to obtain and display seismic data in real-time from either a local seismometer, a remote educational seismometer connected to the jAmaseis network, or any research-quality seismometer that streams data to the IRIS Data Management Center. Users can also filter data, fit a seismogram to travel time curves, triangulate event epicenters on a globe, estimate event magnitudes, and generate images showing seismograms and corresponding calculations.
Seismic Waves is a browser-based tool to visualize the propagation of seismic waves from historic earthquakes through Earth’s interior and around its surface. Easy-to-use controls speed-up, slow-down, or reverse the wave propagation.
The IRIS Earthquake Browser (IEB) is an interactive map for exploring millions of seismic event epicenters (normally earthquakes) on a map of the world. Selections of up to 5000 events can also be viewed in 3D and freely rotated with the 3D Viewer companion tool.
PC / Windows Software
AmaSeis was the orignal software used to record earthquakes with the AS-1 Seismometer. It can also be used to view AS-1 seismic data from other schools by simply acquiring their files and saving them on your computer. To understand how to use the software there is an accompanying AmaSeis Manual.
A program for the visualization of seismicity and volcanic activity in space and time.
Original PC version that illustrates how waves propagate from an earthquake hypocenter to seismic stations throughout the earth.
An interactive tool that can display real time seismic data from stations around the world, view seismograms from world events and study regional hotspots. Thorn firequest 200 manual.
WinQuake was written to view and analyze Public Seismic Network (PSN), Princeton Earth Physics Project (PEPP), SAC Binary and Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data (SEED) volumes available on the internet.
The EqLocate program allows you to select P-wave arrivals of a number of seismograms for an earthquake and find its location.
MacIntosh Software
Earthquake Alert Software Free For Pc Download
An interactive tool that can display real time seismic data from stations around the world, view seismograms from world events and study regional hotspots.